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Walk the Way Pilgrimages

Walk the Way Pilgrimages provides deeply spiritual, faith filled pilgrimages and culturally dynamic experiences in some of the worlds most historic destinations. 


Walk the Way Pilgrimages!

 Born of a mission to share and a ministry to serve. 


Shaped by numerous trips to Rome, visits to other Italian cities, the Holy Land and Ireland, Walk the Way pilgrimages seeks to share life changing spiritual and cultural  experiences with you that will linger in your memory.


We look forward to planning pilgrimages to:


  • the Holy Land to Walk the Way of Jesus,

  • Greece to walk the way of Saint Paul,

  • Poland to walk the way of Saints Pope John Paul ii, Kolbe & Faustina,

  • Spain to walk the way of Saint James,

  • Ireland to walk the way of Irish saints and mystics,

  • Marian sites to walk the way of Mary’s apparitions, and

  • Italy to walk the way of Saint Peter and the Catholic faith!


Our pilgrimages are not only a spiritual experience, but also a cultural experience and you are welcomed to join group leaders and priest partners to “Walk the Way”.

Church Altar


A faithful friend is a strong defense, and he that hath found him, hath found a treasure.  Nothing can be compared to a faithful friend, and no weight of gold and silver is able to countervail the goodness of his fidelity.  A faithful friend is the medicine of life and immortality and they that fear the Lord, shall find him.  He that feareth God, shall likewise have good friendship, because according to him shall his friend be.

Ecclesiasticus 6 ; 14-17

Dead Sea
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